lauantai 7. joulukuuta 2013

Coming shift of consciousness bringing humanity into 4d reality

This blog post will address a very important and life changing subject, so I decided to reach as many people as possible, hence my use of English. Besides, most of the existing terminology is in English and will encounter troubles in translating meanings into Finnish. This is a meaningful and hard subject to dissect in English already and I don't mean to confuse things any further. My future posts will continue in Finnish should not there be a rise in demand of English content.

The points I'm going to analyse here can be found elsewhere and if you wish to find out more yourself, I suggest you to explore these sites for information concerning the coming upliftment of consciousness and reality on Earth, extraterrestrial friends, relatives and enemies and earth changes/pole shift. If you are here and interested, you probably have no objection in accepting intelligent and technologically far more advanced alien civilisations visiting, observing and affecting there course of humanity over past millennia. For others, these beings ARE REAL and have abilities and technology beyond our imagination some of which we only perceive as supernatural therefore impossible. There are many races of extraterrestrials, some of which resemble as humans very much and for a reason. There are humanoids of different statures and complexions. Then there are some which we have more trouble in describing their appearance, so let us it to imagination.

From our point of view, there are two groups of alien intervention that affect us most: Service-to-self (SOS) and Service-to-others (SOO). SOS manipulate and use humans for the benefit our their own agenda; SOO intend to protect us from manipulation and provide us the opportunity to "learn our lessons", live in harmony, in respect of nature and mindful to the truth and upliftment and refining of the SOUL.

Three outlets

There probably is more than these three providing information of this nature: 1) Zetatalk by Nancy Lieder, a Gray alien contactee, has probably the most information concerning Earth Changes and overall information of the UFO phenomenon. The site has extensive database for those hungry for info. 2) Atlanticobr youtube channel has Q&A videos with an alien from Andromeda, Mythi. 3) Tolec from Dakote youtube channel and the Andromeda Council. Numbers 2 & 3 provide a hominid (us humans are hominid, therefore our space-brothers.) aspect of the coming events. I have followed these outlets for some time and deemed them worthy of inspection. Have a look yourself to decide if they truly are truth worthy.

My own verification has been an ardent process of cross-referencing information of various outlets, my own education & information and intuition. This of course doesn't not mean that I couldn't be wrong, there exists that possibility. Always. I can also be a misinformation agent spreading false hope  and lies to poison the mind of gullible readers. However, there is no vouch for my honest intentions: all I can say is that I believe these outlets have some truths in them and as for my intention, I hope bring attention to this downplayed yet vital subject. I am an individual like you, mortal, and make mistakes as anyone. I can only highlight the importance of individual work, when it comes believing somebody, anybody - so do your homework, otherwise my arguments have trouble convincing you. And I mean not to convince you, only bring you some information the value of which you will decide eventually. 

Difference of point of view

Liberation of Earth's populace under the control the human elite and their ET allies, draco reptilians and a breed of Grays has been managed these last years before the dwarf star (Nibiru, Hercolubus, Planet X) provokes major Earth changes according to the Andromeda council sources. What is more, I find that Mythi and Tolec sources though individual but of the same domain (more or less) corroborate each others' information.

The major difference between the Grey and hominoid sources is the tone, whereas Zetatalk is predicting major Earth Changes later and with more drastic impact, the Andromeda source has a more positive outlook on coming apocalyptic events. The Andromeda council predicts that Earth will enter into 4th dimension/ density in January 2014 with unfathomable consequences to the human nature and evolution. They claim that our solar system is entering a cloud of cosmic energy (torsion wave energy) that will transform the reality and its building blocks, our DNA from carbon based to crystalline form whatever this means. We shall see.

The awakening of humanity is occurring while I'm writing this. I predict that the seed of truth is growing and soon we will all see in awe a new tree of life sprouting. Tolec brings us the news of coming open contact of ETs later this year starting in North America.

What 4-D means for us?

Best way to find out is the look trough the sources I mentioned. This will do as well. An interview with Tolec concerning our new life in 4D:

First and foremost, in 4D reality human abilities will have a boost. We will be virtually immortal or at least have a very, very long life. Our bodies and mental capabilities will change imposing a new physical appearance, a younger, healthier, slimmer, illuminating, lighter body of crystalline composition. We don't need food anymore, since our bodies can generate necessary energy. Our new mental capabilities will include telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, an IQ boost and more focused senses. In short, it going to be a big change even if one of the mentioned things come to pass. I would like to believe that this is the next step of human evolution. Those who have harnessed this new frequency will indubitably profit most; those whose frequency remains that of the old reality will eventually have to reincarnate in a more suitable planet that supports 3rd density. The Andromeda council predict this change to occur some time next January. We'll remain eager to see.

As for Zetatalk, things don't look as bright. At least, it will take several generations before even the most rudimentary abilities of 4th dimension will become everyday in human societies. Zetatalk predicts that major Earth Changes like the Pole shift will occur only at the end of magnetic trimester, i.e. in April, August or December. And should the predicted dimension shift come to pass, the chances are the Pole shift will either occur this December or next April, if there is any truth in the laid timetable provided by these sources. The passing of (the remains of) comet Ison can trigger late this year unpredictable changes. Late this year the global weather seems to be climaxing. Could it end with the Pole Shift?

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